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Tips for Getting Your Shed and Garden Ready for Summer

Tan garden storage shed

Tips for Getting Your Shed and Garden Ready for Summer

Author: ShedsForSale.com Team
Posted: 04/03/2022

When it comes time for spring cleaning, don’t neglect your outdoor space! After a long winter, your shed will appreciate the fresh air, and your garden will need an overhaul. With these tips for getting your shed and garden ready for summer, you’ll appreciate the outdoors all season long.

Brown storage shed

Image provided by: Marten Buildings

Empty Your Shed

All the garden tools and implements you’ve stored in your shed for the winter will need a little dusting off. Take everything out of the shed, down to the smallest trowel. ShedsForSale.com has a wide selection of garden sheds for sale that boast superior storage space for all those tools. Lay everything out on the lawn and check heavy equipment such as lawnmowers to ensure they’re still in working condition.

Clean the Inside

Step into your empty shed and inspect it from top to bottom. Are there any leaks in the roof? Has any mold or mildew crept in? Before you put anything back, clean it thoroughly, both inside and out. Sweep the floors, wash the windows and siding, and remediate any mold or pest concerns.

Survey Your Inventory

You’ll use some garden tools more often than others. Consider how you’re going to organize your shed this season and keep oft-used tools readily available. As you put all your garden implements back into the shed, set aside the things you’re going to use to prep the garden itself. Put them in a prominent place in your shed.

Clear Out the Garden

If you mulched your garden areas before winter set in, clear that old stuff away to prepare for the new. Throw out any debris from around your trees and perennial plants, and prune any branches that have gotten out of control. Create a clean slate for your new gardening ventures!

Nurture the Soil

Spring is a perfect time to get a compost pile started for your garden. Those old leaves and branches you just cleared away are perfect composting candidates, along with coffee grounds, citrus rinds, and veggie scraps. When the time comes to plant, you’ll have those extra nutrients ready for them. Revitalize that soil and add fresh mulch in anticipation of new plants.

Start your summer off right with the foundations of a bountiful garden. Store your tools neatly and efficiently in a garden shed, and use those tools to plant your favorite herbs and flowers this season. With these tips for getting your shed and garden ready for summer, you’ll set yourself up for success!

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