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Can I advertise on ShedsForSale.com?

Yes! We offer ad space targeted toward shed buyers and/or shed sellers.

Contact us here to advertise on Sheds For Sale .com™.

Can I signup as a Dealer?

Yes, you can register a free account as a Dealer with ShedsForSale.com™. It’s simple, easy and takes only minutes to get started. Create a standalone account with a username and password unique to ShedsForSale.com™, or use your Google, Amazon, and Facebook account credentials to log in. Ad your Dealer contact info and details and you’re ready to go.


Can I signup as a Manufacturer?

Yes, you can register a free account as a Manufacturer with Sheds For Sale .com™. Create a standalone account with a username and password unique to Sheds For Sale .com™, or use your Google, Amazon, and Facebook account credentials to log in.

Upon logging in you’ll see directions in your dashboard on how to be converted to a “Manufacturer”. This will unlock additional features and functionality only available as a Manufacturer such as logo customization and dealer network access. Please advised some features of SFS are in development and will be available at a later time.


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